Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cinco Collage


Bum Phillips says "Winning is only half of it. Having fun is the other half."
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Friday, May 8, 2009

Cinco de Mayo 2009 Office cookout

We had a great time on May the 5th. We seriously follow the motto Work Hard, Play Hard, Make a Profit. Being around people you like and relaxing is great. We spent the majority of the day being productive, but in the middle a great cookout brokeout. Agents brought in some really wonderful food. I cooked out on the grill...good thing the agents in this office prefer burnt hot dogs. We cooked out on Opening day of the Reds season. I think that requires us to have a cookout in June. We celebrated Cinco de we'll celebrate Neuvième juin, which is French for June Ninth - didn't say it was fancy-just another reason to bust out the grill.